Client Engagement: Creating and Delivering Your Ultimate Service Experience

What makes you go back for more, spend more, or tell others about the exceptional service that you received at one of your favorite restaurants, on-line merchant, or service center? Likely it comes down to consistent and personalized service. Service and sales are not two separate entities; they are intricately linked. Building long-term relationships is key to continued sales success, especially in today’s ever-challenging environment. In a commoditized industry, the service experience is a key differentiator. How an advisory team delineates, articulates, and demonstrates their service has a direct effect on the growth of the practice and the pricing of their value.

This module presents the elements that must be considered to define, document, and systematize a powerful service experience. Participants will learn from expert coaches who have helped many advisory teams through the process of both creating and implementing service strategies that cultivate engaged, loyal clients who become advocates of the practice. And, it will help to reframe your value-added in a way that will make clients eager to pay you more or tell more people about you.

Expected Results:

Participants will leave the workshop having:

  • learned the key ingredients of a client service experience and a better understanding of the client satisfaction index
  • the knowledge needed to define a system for consistent and customized communication, appreciation, and other critical service elements that ultimately drive revenues
  • a preliminary draft of their redefined/upgraded service menu of client deliverables and proof points of value
  • a proven process for deciding WHAT should be delivered, WHEN to deliver, WHO is responsible, and HOW to ensure consistent delivery of connection opportunities


  • Participants will engage in facilitated open discussion on defining a unique service experience.
  • Attendees will be provided with a sample segmented high-touch service menu, a template to create their team service deliverables, and execution tools & resources to help ensure that the team delivers on its new service strategy and connection plan.
  • Participants will learn a 3-Step Process and receive templates that will allow them to periodically test client service standards of care and efficiently maximize practice capacity to ensure that the client experience standards do not erode with business growth.


This module is suited for ALL team members who affect the client experience, including:

  • advisors or senior members with ownership of CREATING the ideal service strategy for their client base
  • team members charged with DELIVERING the service menu

This module is suited for teams or practices who:

  • Lack a formalized menu of service deliverables
  • Neglect customized client appreciation
  • Have no systematized client communication plan
  • Need to improve the ‘minding’ of client relationships
  • Are not realizing sufficient referrals and advocacy due to current low client service standards of care

(Follow-up Coaching: Each participant will be eligible for a 45-minute personal consultation with one of the experienced coaches to answer their specific questions and help them begin to develop their client engagement plan and MINDING strategy.)