Devising and Implementing Your Team Communication Plan

Effective communication is fundamental to the success of any relationship; it is critical to the success of a TEAM! Whether the group is made up of two individuals or twenty, TEAM communication is at the heart of its success.

People are the most important element of a business, and a lack of communication is the number one reason that problems occur in relationships. A consistent team communication plan can make a difference in both the revenue and efficiency arenas of the business; the plan can even mean the difference between team member retention and departure. It is so easy to get caught up in daily activities and distractions and become reactive to your day, thereby allowing outside sources to take control. Creating and consistently executing a team communication plan ensures that all team members understand what is going on and the current priorities. When team communication begins to fall apart, many other challenges ensue! Efficiencies decrease and errors increase, along with stress and satisfaction levels. Poor communication will lead to disengaged team members.

Depending on the size of the team, the style of your business, and the length of time that you have worked together, each team communication plan will vary. There is no single one-size-fits-all solution. This module provides practical information, ideas, and how-to content so participants can create an ideal plan that is tailored to their team and needs.

Expected Results:

Participants will leave the workshop having discussed each of the critical elements of team communication and having drafted a customized plan to include:

  • a framework for both strategic and tactical team communication
  • an updated process for in-person team meetings including ownership, frequency, participation, and agendas to drive efficiency
  • standards and guidelines for electronic team communication
  • a consistent team priority system
  • a process to evaluate their communication


  • Participants will take inventory of their current communication practices and techniques and identify what they need to STOP, CHANGE, CONTINUE, or START doing in order to improve the effectiveness of their communication.
  • Team Communication Toolkit

This module is suited for all team members regardless of role. This module is suited for teams or practices who:

  • Are feeling disconnected from each other
  • Frequently cancel team meetings in favor of other pressing activities
  • Feel siloed in their respective areas (whether advisors or support members), unaware, lost, or disjointed
  • Are unclear on daily/weekly/monthly priorities
  • Have no systematized or consistent communication plan
  • Are held hostage by the tactical and neglect the strategic area of the practice

(Follow-up Coaching: each participating team will be eligible for a 45-minute personal consultation with one of the experienced coaches to answer their specific questions and help them develop or adjust their team’s communication plan.)